Professional Cleaning Service For Your Home And Business

We are committed to the best quality in the field of Residential and Commercial cleaning.

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year's Experience

About Diamond Cleaning

We Provide Best Cleaning Services In NY

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Customer Foccused Reviews

In order to manage each of our sites we follow and agree dates to ensure management is maintained in the following

Regular & Monthly Cleaning

We continue to use leading technology, develop innovative ideas and are able to respond to any issues within 2 hours.


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Award Winners


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Cleaning Services

The United Way To Find Specialist Services

USA champions professionalism in the cleaning industry by providing top quality cleaning and related services that meet.

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The Cleaner Came Within The Time Frame

We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the smart incentives. We offer a variety of services and solutions Worldwide.

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Laura James
Floor Cleaner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem corrupti tempore blanditiis pariatur repudiandae eius.

Mat & Tina
Car Cleaner

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem corrupti tempore blanditiis pariatur repudiandae eius.

Linda & Bill
Garden Cleaner

Contact Us

United Cleaning understands their customers requirements, needs and expectations. This is why United Cleaning has held


+90 456 789 412



2526 Landon Street Sturgeon Falls,
ON P0H 2G0

Book A Service

We have a dedicated team of Deep Cleaning specialists who are on hand to conduct a comprehensive clean of any site.